What ever happened to blimps?
Month: July 2022
Some piece of trash business person: Let’s take economy and make it worse. I call it…..”basic” economy
Some other piece of trash business person: YES! LOVE IT!!!
Airlines need a good shakeup I’ll telluhwat
amateurs get inspired
professionals get to work
That expectation vs reality meme? Fuck that loser mindset I killed it
The origin of meme
every meme i create is because i PUT myself in a position to make it. **I** create the environment that lets me create the meme
sometimes i dont survive the environment. But once again, i made the environment such that i wouldnt survive. it’s all for the meme baby
Mark my words, in 6 years I will be the featherweight local limbo champion
Mask up or humanity will de orbit the sun into a hellish fire of eternal doom
We on an ultralight meme
We on an ultralight meme!
This is a god meme
This is a god meme
This is everything
Welcome to volume 7 bitchez
Yes these might offend black people
July 4th as a 30 y/o boomer
Tile added floor height so I needed to trim down the front [exterior] door. It’s wrapped in steel with a wood core Also remember, safety second!